
SMSF Experts

Angelic Insurance offers specialised self-managed super fund 
insurance products, designed specifically for the SMSF market. 
Our expert services ensure that your policies are structured to 
be paid from your SMSF funds, providing comprehensive 
protection for trustees.


Our Commitment

To The SMSF Community

At Angelic, we help you optimise your policy ownership structures while comparing prices, features, and benefits of different insurance companies. This ensures your cover provides outstanding value for your fund members.

Our SMSF Solutions

Provides a lump sum benefit to your beneficiaries upon death or diagnosis of a terminal illness.

Provides a monthly benefit if the policyholder suffers a sickness or accident and is unable to work.

Provides a lump sum benefit if the policyholder becomes totally and permanently disabled due to sickness or accident.

For investments in property, vehicles, or collectable assets through your SMSF.

Protects your personal assets, providing funds to defend your case and pay any damages if found at fault.

Covers your fund against both the cost of compliance with an audit and any penalties you have to pay if an error is uncovered during the course of the audit.

Advanced Solutions For Insurance Through SMSF

Cash Flow Management

Simplified Estate Planning

Integrated Financial Strategy

Flexibility in Policy Structuring

Get In Touch

Contact us for specialised assistance tailored to your unique challenges and objectives.