Any business owner knows that time, effort, and sacrifice are just a few of the ingredients needed to operate
and scale their business. Hardworking self-employed Aussies don’t think twice about insuring their vital business
assets, such as their vehicle, equipment and their premises of work. Often however, people forget to ensure the
most critical part of their business, themselves and their financial commitments.
How Does Business Expense Cover Work?
Business Expense Insurance ensures that the fixed expenses of your business will be paid if you are unable to work due to sickness or injury.
Provides a monthly benefit for up to 12 months to keep your business running, in case you become totally or partially disabled.
These are some examples of the regular operating expenses of your business that are covered under this benefit:
Accounting and audit fees
Regular advertising costs, postage, printing, and stationery
Electricity, gas, heating, water, telephone and cleaning costs
Rent, property rates and taxes
Membership fees, publications and subscriptions to professional bodies
Net costs associated with employing a replacement
Leasing costs of plant and equipment
Bank charges and interest on business loans
Business-related insurance premiums but not including premiums for this policy
Salaries and other related costs (e.g. payroll tax, super contributions) for
non-income generating employees of your business