
Security Solutions

Angelic specialises in offering comprehensive insurance coverage designed to meet the diverse needs of the security industry in Australia. Leveraging years of expertise and deep industry knowledge, our team commits to safeguarding the interests of security professionals and companies.

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Our Expertise & Commitment

To The Security Community

At Angelic, we leverage our expertise with a deep understanding of the security industry's challenges to provide innovative, effective insurance solutions. Our commitment to excellence ensures our clients can operate with confidence, knowing they have robust protection tailored to their unique needs.

Industry Challenges

Understanding the inherently volatile nature of the security sector, we acknowledge the critical need for specialised insurance solutions. From public liability to errors and omissions, and the unique risks associated with cash handling or alarm response, we tailor our insurance products to address the sector's specific demands.

Our offerings are crafted with the insight that effective risk management is pivotal for the security of both the businesses we insure and their clientele.

Our Services for the Security Solution Industry

Angelic caters to a wide range of security services, ensuring that whether you're involved in static guarding, mobile patrols, alarm monitoring, or close personal protection, you're covered.

Our insurance solutions include, but are not limited to:

Public & Products Liability

Cover to protect against third-party claims.

Errors and Omissions

Tailored options to safeguard your professional advice and services.

Cash Handling Insurance

Comprehensive solutions for cash in transit, safes, and ATMs.

Guard Dog and Firearms Coverage

Specific policies for those utilising guard dogs and firearms in their operations.

Professional Risk Management

Covering damages from data breaches, cyber threats, and more for security consultants and technology-focused services.

Get In Touch

Connect with our team to explore insurance solutions that align with your security business's specific requirements. We are here to help you navigate the complexities of the security industry with confidence and assurance.